Pages for the Stage

Amelia Herrero-Kidman’s book of poems Pages for the Stage is drawing a lot of interested comment. Her writing is described as that of ‘a contemporary urban voice, city wise and street wise, full of knowledge about how the other side lives in flats and Wellington’s older houses and suburbs.’


Here is an extract from one of her poems which was selected as Quoteworthy by Iain Sharp in the Sunday Star Times Book Pages:

The way I like to write
Is to sit in bars and cafes
All day alone
And draw up everything I think
During the day or
In bed at night
In a notebook.
Then when the notebook is full
I extract the poems and
I sit on my bed
which is on the floor
And lay six or seven hardcover books
In a square in front of me.
I then place either my
Blue portable Remington Holiday
Or my old black Remington whore
On top of the books
And I type out the poems.
Of course, this is
subject to change.

from ‘Pages for the Stage’ by Amelia Herrero-Kidman (Earl of Seacliff Art Workshop)

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